ICon Call 2023 (SGroup): 15 borse di mobilità per docenti e personale tecnico amministrativo


SGroup is proud to announce the 2023 SGroup call for ICon (The InterContinental Academic Exchange Programme).

As part of this mobility programme, full-member universities of SGroup can apply for an SGroup scholarship to visit a partner institution of their choice outside Europe.

15 grants for mobility grants from Europe to other continents by academic and administrative staff of SGroup full-member universities are available, distributed as follows:

  • 3 grants for Latin America
  • 3 grants for China
  • 3 grants for Africa
  • 6 grants to conduct mobility within an SGroup Associate Member universities

The ICon Programme Guide 2022 containing the call, Application Form and all relevant information can be found here.

ICon originates from long-lasting collaboration links between the SGroup network and its members with institutions located in strategic regions and is associated with the Think Tank Academy. Its aim is to promote, facilitate and/or strengthen collaboration between SGroup institutions and their overseas partners through a short mobility scheme for academic and administrative staff members.The grants can be used to help fund a staff mobility period outside Europe. 

Applications are now open and finish on April 2023 or once all grants have been distributed. They will be judged with respect to eligibility and award criteria on a first-come first-served basis.

Per maggiori informazioni:

Dott.ssa Francesca Scribano
Responsabile Unità Operativa Programmi di Mobilità Extra-UE
email: fscribano@unime.it; 0906768539