
Test date: 17 October 2023
Test location: Papardo University Centre,
Ingresso "CERISI", Viale Ferdinando Stagno d'Alcontres, 98158 MESSINA
- Info for the route: Along the Viale Stagno d'Alcontres, near the Cerisi entrance, you will find dedicated signage to reach the test site. We recommend you to follow the route suggested by the vertical signage, preferring it to the alternative ones offered by Google Maps or satellite navigation, which could be longer. In particular, you have to go up Viale Stagno d'Alcontres to the end of the central divider and turn to "U" on the left to reach the entrance to Cerisi.
- Access to the competition area is allowed from 10:00 am until 11:30 am.
- The test will begin at 12:00 and will last 100 minutes;
- The test will take place in the Biblioteca / Sala Lettura of the Engineering Department;
- Candidates will be engaged until 16:00;
- Candidates will exit from the main entrance of the Polo Papardo, located at the intersection of Viale Stagno d'Alcontres and Via Salvatore Palomba, to avoid congestion in the area around the entrance CERISI.
You will find detailed information and the map in paragraph 4 of the guide attached.
You must have the following documentation with you:
- valid identification document (preferably the same as the one declared at registration). For non-EU applicants residing abroad, the passport and the entry visa;
- health card/tax code;
- receipt of payment of the test fee;
We would like to inform you that in case you do not have the tax code or the Italian health card, you will be able to take the test by presenting your passport and entry visa.