Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR), Missione 4 “Istruzione e ricerca” – Componente 1 “Potenziamento dell’offerta dei servizi all’istruzione: dagli asili nido alle università” – Investimento 3.4 “Didattica e competenze universitarie avanzate” – Sub-Investimento T4 “Iniziative Transnazionali in materia di istruzione”, finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU
Codice progetto: TNE23-00012
CUP: D91I23001030006
Finanziamento totale: € 2.019.234,20
Finanziamento UniMe: € 276.857,26
Capofila Progetto: Università di Foggia
Responsabile Scientifico UniMe: Prof.ssa Tindara Abbate – Professoressa Ordinaria di Economia e Gestione delle Imprese – Dipartimento di Economia
Data inizio progetto 01/10/2024 - Data fine progetto 31/03/2026 (18 mesi)
Obiettivi del Progetto
The main objective of the GPS project is to promote various actions of education and continuous training focused on the concept of sustainability, explored through different perspectives, approaches, and lines of research. The project addresses the transversal principles envisaged by the PNRR and the Gender Plan for Equality, for example, the principle of contribution to the climate and the digital objective (GREEN) and the principle of gender equality (PINK), 'obligation to protect and enhance young people and overcome territorial diversity. The project is developed through 4 substantial dimensions (targets):
- Ecological transition, degradation-regeneration of the territory, nature-based solutions, recycling of water waste;
- Economic-social-financial tools to reduce land degradation and revitalize marginal rural areas;
- Medicine and social innovation with a strong emphasis on gender equality and digital green tools;
- Gender for sustainability, technological innovation and innovative teaching.
The project includes the mobility of approximately 185 incoming/outgoing students and 150 lessons; the creation of two Post-Graduate Master Specialization Academies, an Advanced Transversal Course, an Advanced Course on Medic Emerg skills. The project also includes the consolidation of a Double Degree.
The results can be articulated in terms of innovation, internationalization, cooperation and promotion of academic programs:
- Innovation: transnational educational initiatives will deal with different models, concepts, sectors (economics, humanities, medicine, agroecosystems, ecology) linked to the concept of sustainability.
- Internationalization: different Italian regions, different countries and different areas and levels of economic-social development. Furthermore, all the Universities represent a choral proposal as each partner University has gathered the interests of different departments;
- Cooperation and promotion of academic programs: promotion of academic programs and new educational methods of networking in the different partner countries and transversal training against violence against women.
Università di Foggia, Università di Messina, Università della Basilicata, Università del Sannio, Università della Calabria, Università di Enna Kore, Politecnico di Milano, Università di Verona, Università della Tuscia, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia + 47 università partner di Brasile, Argentina, Vietnam, Cina , Georgia, Kenya, Marocco, Palestina, Tailandia, Cambogia
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Codice progetto: TNE23-00086
CUP: J24C24000120006
Finanziamento totale: € 1.292.574,34
Finanziamento UniMe: € 202.241,24
Capofila Progetto: Università Kore di Enna
Responsabile Scientifico UniMe: Prof. Vincenzo Fodale - Dipartimento di Patologia Umana dell'adulto e dell'età evolutiva "Gaetano Barresi"
Data inizio progetto 01/10/2024 - Data fine progetto 31/03/2026 (18 mesi)
Obiettivi del Progetto
HEALTHMED project, promoted by a partnership composed of four universities located in two regions of Southern Italy (Sicily and Calabria) and four university institutions situated in strategically important areas of the African continent (Tunisia and Morocco) and the Balkan Peninsula (Serbia), aims to create a space for high education and higher instruction. This will be achieved through the development of professionalizing academic training offerings, joint educational programs, and advanced training and research projects, fostering a process of extra-European integration with a long-term structural, sustainable, and systemic cooperation in the fields of education, research, and innovation at a transborder level. This objective will be realized through the initiation of intercultural exchanges and a program of physical and virtual mobility for students, Ph.D. candidates, researchers, and educators. Additionally, it will involve initiatives for advanced second- level training to support innovation and competitiveness by enhancing existing educational systems and experimenting with innovative training methodologies capable of addressing societal challenges in an innovative and multidisciplinary manner. The proposed model of higher education is based on the importance of an economy that combines growth and sustainability through the development of a broad spectrum of knowledge in the fields of science and technology. It also involves the transfer of experimental deep tech and technology-driven training practices into clinical and healthcare engineering practices. The focus is on interdisciplinary themes aimed at bringing about significant knowledge development, including applied knowledge, in the areas of interest of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR):
- Training on healthy and safe ecosystems and environmental systems, adopting responsible practices through the use of new treatment and analysis technologies, defining specific safety plans for resource use and rational use, and improving the energy efficiency of treatments and environmental characterization processes.
- Training on digitally and technologically advanced instrumentation to ensure high safety standards in simulation techniques in clinical practice and to make multidisciplinary practical-exercise and research activities in the fields of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Histology-Embryology, and Human Anatomy more efficient.
- Multidisciplinary second-level training for the healthy city and the quality of the natural and urban environment through the design of public policies, city and urban planning, and design aimed at the ecological and digital transition of the resilient and sustainable city. This involves safeguarding natural ecosystems and resources, exploiting new technologies, promoting sustainable mobility for increased proximity and accessibility, and designing public spaces in relation to green and blue infrastructures
Expected results in terms of innovation, internationalization, cooperation and promotion of academic programs:
The programme will make a significant contribution by stimulating the innovation of the countries involved in terms of knowledge, skills and competences through the joint promotion of academic programmes, contributing to sustainable growth and ensuring equity, prosperity and social inclusion through the achievement of the following outcomes:
1. to increase cooperation and sharing of knowledge, experience and peer learning activities between higher education institutions in order to support their progressive strengthening in terms of operational capacities;
2. innovation of university courses, mutual-learning activities, interdisciplinary research in a common framework of collaboration between the parties for the development of two advanced training programs on topics related to digital and environmental transitions to provide knowledge, skills, competences and innovative models regarding efficient solutions to respond to global challenges for human and environmental health;
3. to bring together the education and training systems of the different European countries through a double/joint degree programme through cooperation between different training systems, allowing for the launch of a path involving students from different cultural, social and economic backgrounds;
4. providing the ability to cross-fertilize knowledge useful for understanding and managing the complexity of the urban environment and human health through transversal soft skills.
Università degli studi Enna Kore, Università degli studi di Messina, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Università Magna Grecia di Catanzaro,University of Belgrade – Faculty of Medicine, Università Mohammed V Rabat, Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, L'Université de Tunis El Manar
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Codice progetto: TNE23-00041
CUP: J31I24000290006
Finanziamento totale: € 2,702,173.89
Finanziamento UniMe: € 312.788,33
Capofila Progetto: Alma Mater Sudiorum - Università di Bologna
Responsabile Scientifico UniMe: Prof. Giovanni Moschella - Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Giuridiche
Data inizio progetto 01/10/2024 - Data fine progetto 31/03/2026 (18 mesi)
Obiettivi del Progetto
HerIt4Future intends to foster interactions and synergies between partner institutions in Italy and Latin America (LATAM) to create innovative transnational education programs on
the topic of Heritage. Partner universities will reflect together on the range of possible
meanings and impacts that a deep understanding, preservation and promotion of cultural and natural heritage can contribute to the design of innovative solutions for global challenges –from inclusive education to population health, from sustainable development to environmental protection, from digital transformation to migrations. Thanks to shared
cultural roots also deriving from the significant presence of communities of Italian descent
in LATAM countries, universities in Italy and Latin America have developed strong and
long-lasting collaborations engaging a wide set of actors and nourishing a legacy which
spans over traditions and generations. Since 1998 the Project Coordinator (UniBO) has a
permanent representation in Buenos Aires (Representación en la República Argentina-
Centro de Altos Estudios de la Università di Bologna). Building on such premises,
HerIT4Future aims to take these productive and complementary relations to a further level,
scaling them up in the direction of an intensified internationalization between the two
areas, to be achieved through the joint planning and implementation of innovative academic programs.
SO1 The creation of an inclusive and diverse mobility scheme for students and academic
staff between Italy and LATAM;
SO2 The design and delivery of innovative joint second and third cycle programs
involving partner universities;
SO3 The implementation of a comprehensive framework of joint Advanced Skills
Courses (ASCs);
SO4 The creation of two hubs in Latin America that will serve as focal points for the project
activities and ensure the sustainability of the cooperation beyond the duration of the
The mobility scheme (SO1) will be developed around existing collaborations that will ensure effective administrative support to all participants and mentoring to students during their periods abroad. The quality of the mobility scheme will be ensured by a rigorous selection of participants that will promote inclusiveness in terms of gender and socio-economic backgrounds.
Digging into the idea of heritage and shedding light on its multiple facets, partner institutions will jointly design innovative educational formats (SO2) based on mutual learning. They will target Master and PhD students, with particular attention to PhD programs in Digital and Green transitions.
Joint Advanced Skill Courses (SO3) will target early career researchers, university staff and
former students/professionals interested in lifelong learning and be organized in both Italy
and LATAM.
The high scientific quality of the academic offer for SO1-SO2-SO3 will be ensured by the
thematic specialization of the WPs (see 3.1), that is designed to provide interdisciplinary,
articulated and diverse learning opportunities.
SO4 foresees the establishment of two teaching and learning hubs, one in Buenos Aires,
Argentina (Hub1 Cono Sur) and one in Cuenca, Ecuador (Hub2 Andes). These will serve
to coordinate the activities for two broad geographical areas in LATAM (the Southern Cone
and the Andean region) providing the necessary infrastructures, logistics and facilities for a
successful implementation of the project.
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna; Politecnico di Torino, Università di Brescia, Università della Calabria, Università di Messina, Università di Napoli Federico II, Università di Padova, Università di Pavia, Università del Salento+ 69 università di Argentina, Brasile, Cile Colombia, Cuba, Equador, Messico, Perù, Uruguay
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Codice progetto: TNE23-000 49
CUP: B71I24000240006
Finanziamento totale: € 2.569.629,23
Finanziamento UniMe: € 209.385,79
Capofila Progetto: Università di Palermo
Responsabile Scientifico UniMe: Prof. Antonino Germanà - Dipartimento di Veterinaria
Data inizio progetto 01/10/2024 - Data fine progetto 31/03/2026 (18 mesi)
Obiettivi del Progetto
MARE, the Mediterranean Alliance for Research and Education, is composed of a network of 11 Italian universities with the aim of promoting internationalization and advocating the Italian higher education model as a best practice for non-EU Mediterranean countries.
The alliance acts as a potent vehicle for internationalizing educational offer in the Mediterranean region, serving as a catalyst for economic and social development.
Collaboration among academic institutions facilitates the sharing of knowledge and resources, fostering synergies that promote innovation and growth. This process contributes not only to the training of highly qualified professionals but also to the development of intercultural skills crucial for cultural integration.
The MARE proposal will support and implement the Mediterranean strategies of the MARE partners to become a point of reference in this very important region. The Mediterranean region, for the goal of this project, has been defined including all the Arab southern Mediterranean countries, excluding Syria for the current situation of the country, and adding two important neighbor countries of the southern rim such as Mauritania, which is also a permanent member of the 5+5 dialogue and an associated partner of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) as observatory, and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which is a quite dynamic region in terms of international cooperation as well as closer to middle east countries as part of the great Mediterranean.
Planned actions on different thematic areas include:
a) Actions aimed at consolidating existing double degrees between bachelor and master's programs in Italian universities in partnership with non-EU Mediterranean countries; Actions aimed at implementing double/joint degree programs between Italian universities and non-EU Mediterranean institutions.
b) Actions aimed at supporting advanced training programs on the following themes:
1) History, society, and cultural circulation in the Mediterranean; 2) Migration, social and political change; 3) One Health; 4) Sustainable Development and Climate Change; 5) Renewable Energy and Sustainable Mobility; 6) Sustainable Tourism; 7) Employability, Entrepreneurship and Inclusion in the digital age.
The project also aims to contribute to the formation of highly qualified professionals capable of addressing contemporary challenges, with specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-based objectives consistent with the expected exploitation and impact of the project.
Università degli studi di Palermo, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Università degli studi di Cagliari, Università degli studi di Macerata, Università degli studi di Bari - Aldo Moro, Università degli studi di Pavia, Università di Pisa, Università di Torino, Politecnico di Torino, Università degli Studi di Messina, Università degli studi di Siena + 46 Università di Algeria, Egitto, Giordania, Libano, Libia, Marocco, Mauritania, Palestina, Tunisia, Iraq.
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Codice progetto: TNE23-00080
CUP: F31I24000320006
Finanziamento totale: € 1.988.761,28
Finanziamento UniMe: € 191.118,91
Capofila Progetto: Interuniversitario Italiano per l’Argentina (CUIA)
Responsabile Scientifico UniMe: Prof. Antonino Germanà - Dipartimento di Veterinaria
Data inizio progetto 01/10/2024 - Data fine progetto 31/03/2026 (18 mesi)
Obiettivi del Progetto
a) strengthen the Italian higher education system in Argentina and contribute to the
consolidation of the European higher education area (Bologna Declaration and
subsequent inter-ministerial communications);
b) improve the attractiveness and interest in the Italian higher education system in
Argentina, also as a "model" of international higher education;
c)contribute to the indications and guidelines deriving from the bilateral government
agreements on higher education, cultural and scientific cooperation, the strategies
posed by the EU, the OECD, the ONU 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
and the DNSH (Do Not Significant Harm)-principle.
The following project lines will effectively help with the general objectives described above:
- TNE Double/Joint Degree.
Stimulate a joint implementation of academic educational courses. Implement double
degrees and doctorates in co-supervision between Italian and Argentinian universities,
promoting both the territorial distribution in the two countries and the dimensional diversity of the universities involved. There is a need to have comparative frameworks since the two higher education systems are very different. Studies on the recognition of Italian and Argentinian university qualifications, collaboration profiles on double/joint degrees and cosupervision of doctoral theses will also constitute that comparative analysis on academic qualifications between Italy and Argentina which Italy, unlike Spain, France, Germany, England has not yet formalized. This project line will contribute to objectives a), b) and c).
- TNE Professors/Researchers
Promote bilateral cooperation on teaching, research and transfer of knowledge and skills through a mobility plan for professors and researchers within specific research projects of bilateral interest. A strategy that will promote the European area of education and research and will offer important results in terms of scientific and cultural cooperation between Italian and Argentinian academic institutions, will identify new international partnerships and strengthen existing networks. This project line will contribute to objectives a) and c).
- TNE Students
Bringing brilliant Argentinian students closer to the life of Italian degree courses and vice versa. A mobility scheme that promotes Italian degree courses and which allows the possibility to attend educational activities, take exams and acquire the relevant credits. In addition to satisfying various internationalization indicators of higher education, as stated by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, a natural mobility towards the Italian university system will be stimulated over the years. This project line will contribute to objectives a) and b).
- TNE Advanced Skills
Educational activities jointly organized in Argentina and/or Italy, depending on the most suitable territorial and academic context to achieve the educational objectives. Argentinian and Italian professors together to guarantee the needed quality of the courses. The aim is to share knowledge and skills, cultural and/or professional growth, innovation and/or experimental development, always on topics of specific bilateral scientific and social relevance and common interest. This project line will contribute to objectives a) and b). An information system, together with its digital counterpart, reporting on the project lines results as well as on the quantitative indicators and impacts will contribute to a mutual learning platform.
Consorzio Interuniversitario, Italiano per l’Argentina, Università degli Studi del Molise, Università degli Studi Messina, Università degli Studi di Torino, Alma Mater Studiorum -
Università di Bologna, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Sapienza Università di Roma, Università degli Studi di Teramo, Università degli studi della Tuscia, Università degli Studi di
Padova, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Università degli Studi di BARI Aldo Moro, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Università Politecnica delle Marche + 52 università argentine

Codice progetto: TNE23-00050
CUP: D81I24000280007
Finanziamento totale: € 2.407.557,46
Finanziamento UniMe: € 277.638,25
Capofila Progetto: Università di Brescia
Responsabile Scientifico UniMe: Prof.ssa Marcella Distefano - Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Data inizio progetto 01/10/2024 - Data fine progetto 31/03/2026 (18 mesi)
Obiettivi del Progetto
UnITAFRICA is promoted by 21 Italian universities within the University Network for Development Cooperation (CUCS). The project is a strategic initiative involving 93 university institutions in 18 African countries. The aim of UNITAFRICA is to encourage joint training, research and international academic cooperation to improve the quality and effectiveness of university education. To achieve these objectives, mobility will be promoted during the project, aimed at encouraging physical participation in training courses for students and teachers as well as thesis experiences for master's students and PhD students. Innovative teaching solutions will also be implemented through "learning by doing", "job shadowing" and virtual and in-person hybrid teaching initiatives, encouraging a co-design approach between the Italian and African partner universities. Attention is also paid to the training of administrative staff to promote the necessary support for academic synergies has the general goal to promote the cooperation among Italian and African Universities, strengthening the educational systems of the partners and institutions, increasing the inclusions of students in the educational paths and promote the intercultural growth, enhancing the mobility of students and university addressed to a multidisciplinary knowledge transfer and cultural exchanges and developing innovative approaches in education.
1) UNITAFRICA Alliance among 21 Italian Universities & 93 African Universities;
2) PIT (Platform for Innovative Teaching) and website;
3) International mobility;
4) Educational initiatives targeting PhD/Master's students;
5) Advanced skills courses targeting teachers and early career scholars/researchers;
6) Advanced skills course for administrative staff.
a) Rural development, land management, agrifood and food supply chains;
b) Health, water and hygiene, one health;
c) Sustainable energy, environment and natural resource management;
d) Entrepreneurial and industrial development for local prosperity;
e) Cultural heritage and sustainable tourism;
f) Social sciences and humanities.
a) Identifing guidelines and best practices on teaching methodologies;
b) Joint training programs between Italy and Africa;
c) Encouraging the use of innovative teaching methods;
d) Increasing the level of internationalisation of both IUs and AUs;
e) Promoting a new perspective of science for human growth and
Università di Brescia (Capofila), Politecnico di Milano, Università di Bergamo, Università Alma Mater Studiorum di Bologna, Università di Firenze, Università La Statale di Milano, Università di Padova, Università di Parma, Università di Pavia, Università di Pisa, Università di Torino, Università di Trento, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Università di Verona, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Università Aldo Moro di Bari, Università della Basilicata, Università di Messina, Università Federico II di Napoli, Università di Genova, Università di Udine + 93 Università Africane dell’area Sub-sahariana.
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