Digital Humanities and Digital Communication: Challenges and opportunities of interacting with and through technology


Edizione del 2024 della Summer School “Digital Humanities and Digital Communication: Challenges and opportunities of interacting with and through technology” presso l'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Dottorandi e dottorande, giovani ricercatori e ricercatrici sono invitati/e a presentare il proprio progetto. La Summer School avrà luogo dal 3 al 7 giugno 2024, mentre la scadenza per la consegna di candidatura e abstract è il 28 marzo 2024.

In allegato, potete trovare la call integrale. Maggiori informazioni sul programma e sulle modalità di candidatura sono disponibili al seguente link:

Il Comitato organizzativo

Communication Staff - Digital Humanities Summer School

Doctoral Programme in Human Sciences

We are happy to announce the 6th edition of our Summer School in Digital Humanities and Digital Communication, which will be hosted by the Department of Studies on Language and Culture of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, in collaboration with the Fondazione Marco Biagi. As part of the Doctoral Programme in Human Sciences, the Summer School aims to provide PhD students and young researchers with methodological tools for the study of digital communication and data analysis.
This year’s focus is on challenges and opportunities of interacting through technology, with topics ranging from digital resources for research in the humanities to the use of new information technologies for data analysis; from tools for analysing communication in new media to ways of processing, accessing, and disseminating knowledge.

The programme combines lectures by invited speakers and workshops where young researchers can present their work and get feedback from the invited speakers. The sessions will include both lectures by prominent researchers and hands-on workshops in which participants will be able to work with a variety of program applications.

The Summer School will be held in presence in Modena, participation is free of charge.

Deadline for applications: 28 March 2024.

Documento: Call for applications Summer School 2024