Incoming students on cooperation agreement

Visiting students on cooperation agreements

The University of Messina partners with several Higher education instutitons (HEIs) and welcomes students wishing to spend a study or research period in Messina. 
This activity takes place outside any EU-funded mobility programme. Tax waiver policy is generally applied to this international mobility.

Who can apply

Students enrolled in a foreign partner University willing to take courses of a First/Second Cycle Degree Programme or to carry out an independent research activity, whether aimed at completing a Degree final thesis or not.

How to apply

International students selected by the foreign partner University  shall submit the Application form duly signed to the International Cooperation Unit (ICU) by the following deadlines:

  • for fall semester: 30th June
  • for spring semester: 30th November 

The application form, along with copy of the passport, must be sent to the University of Messina at the following e-mail address:
Please specify in the subject : “C.A. Unità Operativa Cooperazione Internazionale”
Selected students have to:

  • fill in and sign the Learning agreement/ Training agreement (or the Learning Agreement for thesis activities);
  • get the LA/TA signed by the Institutional and Departmental Mobility Coordinator of the sending Institution;
  • get the LA/TA signed by UniME Institutional and Departmental Mobility Coordinator. The ICU will provide assistance for UNiME signing procedures.   

If changes to the original proposed LA/TA are needed, international students have to fill in the form (Changes to LA/TA), and get it signed by the Mobility Coordinator and the ICU. The form can be sent by email.

Before arriving

International students have to make sure to have:

  • a valid passport or identity document;
  • an accident and liability insurance certificate.
What to do when in Messina

International students have to go to the Welcome Office within two days after their arrival in order to register at the University of Messina and gather all the useful information related to the stay. In order to be registered you have to show your passport or any other valid identification document and hand in the followings:

  • Two passport-size photographs
  • Accident and liability Insurance certificate

Moreover, international students have to:

  • Fill in the form with personal data;
  • Send the confirmation of arrival issued by the ICU to the home University (if needed).

International students will be registered at UniME and provided with personal username and password to on-line registration to sit an exam or have access to other service facilities. At the end of the mobility, the Welcome Office will issue a Transcript of Records (for the recognition of the study period abroad) and a certificate of attendance attesting the whole period spent in Messina