Smoke-free policy

The University of Messina is committed to a free-smoke office policy. No smoking or other use of tobacco products (included electronic cigarettes) is permitted in any part of the buildings within the University. In order to ensure compliance with this policy, the University has assigned to each building an employee entrusted to ensure that the anti-smoke policy is abided in each building. Moreover, the University organizes annually a meeting to promote the free-smoke policy among students, employees and citizens and to spread awareness on the consequences of the use of tobacco.

The University of Messina started the project “Impact of Cigarette Smoke and Tobacco-Heating Products on Dental and Periodontal Health”.  The purpose is to establish the oral and periodontal changes in regular cigarette smokers and smokers who have changed to tobacco-heating products.  Different groups will be studied: smokers, dual smokers, ex-smokers, exsmokers that use tobacco-heating products and ex-smokers. Oral and periodontal health will be studied based on certain parameters and the results will be used as input to organize seminars and events on the topic.

According with the anti-smoking provisions adopted by the University of Messina, an employee for each department has been designated to supervise the observance of the anti-smoking regulations.

New fire prevention measures were implemented during the remodeling project of the University Hospital and central offices of the University.  These include smoke detectors and new REI doors.

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